Fourth RESFARM meeting in Athens (Greece)
On the 26th and 27th of July the fourth joint RESFARM meeting was held in Athens (Greece) with representatives from PASEGES, Unions Agrarias – UPA, Ela Engineering and Environment, the University of A Coruna and Research4Life.
On the 26th July the current state of the project was analysed along with all the achievements and milestones accomplished so far. An organisational dialogue was carried out with the current Greek legislative framework being explained along with the various uses made of renewable energy by farmers in said country.
After this, a revision of the platform’s web was done so that assessors would be aware of the country’s requirements and be performed in the simplest way possible.
On the second day, there was a workshop to train Greek assessors on how to use the platform’s web. This platform will automatically issue a technical report evaluating the installation considered to be the most suitable according to the information provided. During the workshop, all the aspects that were of interest to assessors and that could help them carry out their work was explained. (Introduction to project, renewable energy technology, application management, the investment-finance instrument).
The meeting has been of vital importance to the project’s framework for the organisation of the last part and should allow the project to fulfil the proposed milestones and achievements.